The Company Organizes Key Staff to Have a Study Tour to Huawei and DJI in Shenzhen

On November 15-18, the Company organizes its key staff to have a study tour to Huawei and DJI in Shenzhen.

They visited Huawei’s intranet showroom, Songshan Lake production base, data center and staff’s office area, and held discussions and exchanges with Huawei’s senior executives, learning Huawei’s successful experience in corporate culture, employee motivation, R&D innovation, quality management, supply chain management and other areas.

Later, they visited DJI’s product showroom, watched air show of drones, and exchanged views in depth with the senior management of DJI on such areas as technical development, product strategy, market development, talent introduction and incentive mechanism, obtaining insights into their development history and successful experience as a hi-tech startup.

Through close contact and exchange with these benchmarks in respective industries, the trainees further broadened their vision and started thinking about technical innovation and management innovation, how to improve international operation capacity and how to lift lean management level, and how to serve transformation and development of the Company.