Zhang Guanjie inspects subsidiaries in Tianjin

From November 5 to 6, Zhang Guanjie, secretary of NORINCO’s Party committee, inspected subsidiaries in Tianjin.

Zhang inspected the security work at Tianjin Logistics Company, NORINCO Isewan Company and Huate Company, learnt about their production, operation and Party building, and held talks with the management of each company.

During the inspection, Zhang demanded the subsidiaries to strictly fulfill their security responsibilities, implement high standards and rigorous requirements, enhance security awareness, put in place security facilities and management, and make continuous improvements. He urged them to innovate in business model, elevate management level and press ahead with transformation and upgrading by aligning their own advantages with the Belt and Road Initiative and the 13th Five-year Plan. Zhang also impelled the subsidiaries to enhance Party building, put people first, work hard on teambuilding and corporate culture, and motivate the employees’ enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, so as to intensify the company’s cohesion and capability.