NORINCO Holds 2015 Work Summary Meeting

On January 11, NORINCO held 2015Work Summary Meeting.
In the meeting, President Zhi Yulin,on behalf of the leadership,made a comprehensive summary of the work in 2015, and deployed the development objectives and major measures in 2016 and the 13th Five-Year Plan period. 2015 was the final year of the 12th Five-Year Plan, and also a significant year for the reform, innovation, transformation and upgrading, Mr. Zhi said. Confronting the severe situations featured by “New Normal” of China’s economic development, turbulence of international politics and regional security situations, sluggish world economy, depressed international trade, financial turmoil and plummeting of oil and minerals prices, NORINCO implemented pertinent policies, overcame various difficulties and promoted innovation to achieve sustained and steady development in quality and benefits, fulfilling the major operation objectives of the 12th Five-Year Plan.
In 2015, NORINCO achieved sustained and steady development in quality and benefitsbyproactively coping with changes of the market environment andputting greater focus on the current operations; continued to implement the lean management strategy across the whole value chain system, and further improved the lean management level; studied and implemented the spirit of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, deepened the reform comprehensively, and innovated in the mechanism to motivate new vigor and power for the corporate development; and further strengthened the ideological and political education of the Party, anti-corruption bid and corporate culture building.
Regarding the work in 2016 and the development strategy in the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Mr. Zhi pointed out that NORINCO would take the spirit of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC as well as the important speeches byGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping as the guidance, establish and practice the development concepts of “innovation, coordination, open, green, and sharing”, strive to implement the development guidelines of innovation-drive, focus on quality, structure optimization, boosting reform, green development and talent orientation, identify the situations, grasp the opportunity, control the risk, advance amid difficulties, and firmly promote reform and innovation, capability building, transformation and upgrading, unswervingly struggle for the goal of becoming a world-class multinational company, actively adapt to and lead the New Normal, and achievesustained and steady development in quality and benefits.
Mr. Zhi summed up that 2016 is the first year for NORINCO to implement the 13th Five-Year Plan and a crucial year for the reform and development of the company. He hopesall employees strive for realizing the strategic objective of the 13th Five-Year Plan with concerted efforts, pioneering and progressive spirit and conscientious work.